Internet Marketing - Google SEO Websites
Your Dream is our Vision
We have amazing prices on offer for Xmas 2015 and possibly in January 2016. For example the new Domain name .xyz as adopted by Google Alphabet for only £1.44. We believe our Xmas sale prices will make your eyes boggle.
UK Domain Names from* £3.50 per year.
Blog & Podcast from* £1.99 per month
Web Hosting from* £2.50 p/m
Web Design from* £3 p/m
eCommerce from* £9 p/m
Internet Marketing, Social media Marketing, Back Linking & SEO from* £23 p/m
Wordpress Website and Website Hosting from £4.90 p/m
All services are compatible with Google Adwords and most come with FREE google Adwords credits.
Click below to link to these "time limited" offers available until December 2015.
* Some simple limitations may apply, See offer prices below or verified secure online web store for complete details of these amazing prices.
What is your Internet Vision?
Do you have total control of your entire Internet solution? Is it an integrated Internet solution which you are satisfied with? Can your solution take your business forward? Do you have a long term Internet Marketing, SEO and Social Media strategy?
Is your company surfing the Internet, but failing to harness it's power? Have you drastically reduced your overheads by making your web site a key part of your strategy. Are you generating an amazingincome from the Internet?
If NOT why NOT?
So, if you feel like you have yet to truly harness the power of the Internet then perhaps its time for a little Network Magic!
We have prices that will amaze you.
Back office technologies that will allow you to create your own web site ina few days and without ever talking to a web designer.
You could even create your own web site template or marketing campaign within 24 hours with our emergency services.
Offer Prices:
* Our online store offers pricing in many currencies. Exact global prices could vary by a few pence, depending upon international currency exchange rates.
Integrated Web Solutions
"The battle for supremacy in cyber space is far from won, in fact it has only just begun."
Andrew Richards (Google Internet Marketing & SEO Expert ) - December 2004
"Few experts would have dared forecast such widespread Internet use or gross income as was achieved thru Internet sales in the last ten years. In 1984 when computers first filtered into business use, even the visionaries of the day would have been hard pressed to forecast just how incredibly fast the Internet would ignite to light up the information super highway on such a global scale.
These days very little in cyberspace as in life, is guaranteed, but one thing many businesses know to their success is this. "If you plan to win, you have a fighting chance of making the big time, but fail to plan and you will be lucky to thrive, never mind survive."
If your planning to make your company a major player then your talking our language.
Here at NetworkMagic we are not only capable of offering corporate solutions we are also specialists in servicing small start up businesses just as well as medium sized enterprises with large numbers of employees. We can offer any business some of the most competitively priced solutions in the world today and we can prove it.
Not only do we have the vision, expertise and infrastructure to plan and implement global solutions we are perfectly at home offering local UK based solutions backed with global growth strategies. A philosophy with which we will work with you to achieve market leading positions in any market sector.
Some of our core business skills are Internet Marketing, SEO, Social Media Marketing and Back Linking. We can use these skills to obtain top 10 positions on the global search engines such as Google search enigines.
One Stop Internet Solutions
Design Your Own Website vs Bespoke Websites
Regardless if your looking for a fully automated solution or any of the individual component we offer a complete solution.
If you prefer to implement and manage your Internet solution in house utilising your own employees, we can help.
If you require a totally integrated fully customised solution then we have the skills and technologies to do this.
Bespoke or Fully Customised Solutions
If your looking to manage your own solution please feel free to follow the links on this web site into our fully automated online store where you can create your own bespoke solution in your own time. If you would prefer to talk to one of our experts about customised solutions please contact us.
Mission Statement:
" make our local and global environments better places to be by listening to and working with our clients to create long term partnerships, to produce "Integrated Internet Solutions" that not only meet our clients requirements but exceed their expectations..."
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